Ella B. writes:
We had an awesome Y-LIFE meeting Sunday. Seminarian Scott McKee was our special guest. We discussed the Y-LIFE conference and how we can improve it for next year. We are hoping to get Father Tad Pacholczyk from the National Catholic Bioethics Center to be the keynote speaker at the next conference. It is tentatively scheduled for September 2010.
Some Y-LIFE members are going to pray in front of the abortion mill in Hartford this Tuesday (Oct. 27) from 6-7am. Anyone interested in joining us is welcome.
The Y-LIFE Christmas Bazaar on November 13th and 14th will take the place of the mid-November Y-LIFE meeting. Anyone interested in making anything for the Bazaar or who would like to volunteer, please contact us:
This event takes place in the St Therese Church parish hall, 120 West Granby Road in Granby, CT. The proceed this year will go to benefit the American Legion Welfare Fund for the Shannon-Shattuck Post 182. This fund enables the Legion to help elderly disabled vets with home heating oil, food and small construction projects like wheelchair ramps.