Friday, November 9, 2012

 Read this letter from Abby Johnson:

 Dear Friend-

Since the election, I have felt renewed resolve. Elections won't
stop abortion. Our commitment to this cause and our willingness to
sacrifice is what saves lives. Our willingness to file away our
own desires and to simply focus on the needs of women in crisis is
what saves lives. Our ability to step out of our comfort zones and
to witness to those walking into abortion clinics is what saves
lives. With the help of God, we save lives...not our federal
government. It is up to us. It always has been, no matter who has
ever been in office. Now is the time to energize grassroots
efforts. Now is the time to step out of our comfort zones. Now is
the time to demonstrate love to those who celebrate the culture
of death.

This is why ministries like And Then There Were None are so vital.
Lives are changed through our efforts.  Babies are spared.  Souls
are changed.  You are making a difference through this ministry.
We reach one worker at a time.  One at a time is how we will win.
Thirty-six workers have been changed.  That is just the beginning!

Here is my warning to Obama.  You are in for the fight of your
life, Mr. President.  We in the pro-life movement will not back
down.  We will not be silent.  We will come away from your
pro-abortion agenda stronger than ever before.  We will not
adhere to those things that compromise our principles.  We will
fight back with increased fervor.

Just four years ago, I was celebrating the victory of Barack Obama.
My heart has been changed. All hearts can change. We must pray and
fast. Now is not the time to throw in the towel. "This too shall
pass." Be committed. Be in prayer. Be active. Use your voice.
I was not voted out of Planned Parenthood. I was prayed out of
Planned Parenthood.

Fighting for Life,

Abby Johnson
 Take some time to read this great note from Catholic Vote.

Dear Friend of CV,

It is providential that this Election Year is the Year of Faith.

An election like this one can cause a great deal of discouragement. The results were practically a worse-case scenario for the most fundamental building blocks of society: The right to life, religious liberty and the family.

But don’t forget that Jesus Christ has only one modus operandi: The cross.

His story starts with his birth into the life of a refugee one step ahead of a murderous king. It ends with him being dragged away from his fleeing apostles and crucified.

After that came a Church whose fights and sins are the subject of the letters of St. Paul. Then came torture and martyrdom for his followers — followed all too quickly by the long march of heresies that denied the very identity of Christ. Around the year 1000, the Church was torn apart by human pettiness in the Great Schism. About 500 years later, an overbearing, arrogant and worldly Church would get torn apart again and again.

Over the years, powerful Catholics have advanced or allowed terrible evils that the Church’s teaching denounces: simony, slavery, and various other atrocities, up to and including genocide and abortion. From Peter’s betrayal to Pope John XII’s, from the days when Judas sold Christ to the days when Catholics sold slaves, the Church’s story is a long, sick tale of sin.

But, as I have written before, the Church isn’t the sum of its failures and sins. The Church is the sum of its sins plus grace, which is to say it is an institution always being dragged back from the brink of failure and handed victories by God.
It also means the real history of the Church is the history of saints and charity. At each stage in that story of sin, the Church was also a multinational organization transforming the world through love. We invented hospitals, schools — and science, and principles of human justice. We created works of stunning beauty with pens, brushes, chisels and musical instruments. Our scriptures and our sacraments built families that brought cheer and comfort to a world that had often lacked them.

We may feel like the forces of secularism have finally triumphed in America.

The reality is far from that.

Just ask Pope John Paul II what it looks like for the forces of secularism to triumph. His nation was overrun by murderous Nazis — only to be replaced by Communists for decades.

Or ask Pope Benedict XVI what it was like to live under aggressive secularizers — Nazis euthanized his Down Syndrome cousin and his family had to move several times because his father opposed them. The Nazis were replaced by a new Germany that before long would deny the unborn the right to life and succeed in marginalizing the faith.

What lesson did these two great men learn from watching the constant triumph of secularism over Catholicism in their time?

“We can and must believe, with the late Pope John Paul II,” Pope Benedict XVI told Americans in 2008, “that God is preparing a new springtime for Christianity.”
If that sounds naive, remember who is saying it.

It is absolutely providential that this Election Year is also the Year of Faith. The Pope and the bishops have called for us to do what every other generation of Christians has done: Turn to Christ in our hour of need, and carry his cross to victory.

Christ’s modus operandi is always the same: He loses battles, then wins wars.

-Tom Hoopes, for

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

                                                                             For whom are you voting?

Monday, September 24, 2012

Conference Update: Peter Wolfgang to Speak

Peter Wolfgang from the Family Institute of Connecticut will be speaking  at this year's conference from 2-3pm.  He will be leading one of the breakout sessions giving insight on the recent HHS mandate.  Anyone (adult or youth) interested in learning more about this disturbing law is welcome to attend.  If you can only make it to part of the conference this talk is worth the trip. Any questions, send us an email at

Saturday, September 1, 2012

2012 Conference Speakers from GENERATION LIFE

Will Panagakos

Pro-Life/Chastity Educator

Will is from Winsted, Connecticut. He graduated from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 2010, where he studied Psychology and Theology. He served on several mission trips through Franciscan. During his time as a missionary in Jamaica, Will combated increases in broken homes and fatherless children by speaking in high schools about chastity and dignity. He is passionate about building a culture of young people with pure and honest hearts. Will believes in the immense potential of the human person to grow, and hopes to challenge and encourage others to live a richer life of virtue and principle during his year at Generation Life. Will is in his 2nd year with Generation Life.

DeVon Dunlap

Philadelphia Missionary

DeVon Dunlap is from the small town of Continental, OH. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a double major in Catechetics and Theology. DeVon has a great love for the Theology of the Body and desires that this teaching be shared with all people, for it truly has the power to change the world by converting hearts! Through Franciscan University’s Missions of Peace program, DeVon traveled to the country of Belize with a team of missionaries. They taught in several high schools, spreading the message of God’s love and the beauty of living a chaste lifestyle. At the close of that trip, she knew that this mission must continue in the United States, and subsequently, God led her to GenLife. DeVon believes that her generation deserves to hear the Truth about life and love, and thus be equipped to combat the lies that are tossed their way. She is excited to be on the GenLife mission team and to speak on these matters that are so near and dear to her own heart.

Sponsor the Conference! or ... Get Someone to Sponsor the Conference!

The 2012 Program Booklet Sponsorship Forms are now ready.  You can either click the link in this post OR go over to the Conference Forms sidebar gadget.  Print some and hand them out to your pastor, the parish secretary, your DRE or ... anyone!  Don't be shy, people like to do good things and help good causes.  We're starting to get really excited about the Conference and the Program Booklet is a sort of witness, showing everyone who the people and businesses are who help us every year stand up for LIFE, which means THEY stand up for LIFE, too!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Links to Registration Form AND Flyer ... Print 'Em Out ... Hand 'Em Out! Give Some to Your Pastor and Your DRE!

Finally ... we have the Registration Form AND the Flyer for the Conference all set!  Click the links or click the Conference Forms links on the sidebar.   By the way, here's the ad we're putting in the Program Booklet for the Catholic Youth Spectacular ...

Friday, July 20, 2012

2012 Conference Forms Coming Soon...

Check back soon for the updated 2012 registration and sponsor forms.

Giant Annual Tag-Sale

Join us for our annual tag sale in conjunction with Adore Him Catholic Homeschoolers, a local homeschool group, July 26th and 27th from 9-2, and July 28th from 8-noon. It will be held at the same place as last year: 200 Waterville Rd. (Route 10 and Pheasant Run). This year's proceeds benefit St. Gerard's Center for Life in Hartford, AH CHoo and Y-Life. There is something for everyone and loads of parking. The sale will take place rain or shine. Bring a friend!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Generation Life Featured Guest at 2012 Conference

Save the date for the fourth annual Y-LIFE and Holy Apostle Life League Conference:
  October 6, 2012  Generation Life is our featured guest.  Find out more about them here:

Video: Planned Parenthood Encourages Woman to Get Sex-Selection Abortion

 Watch the video here

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

NKU Students Catch Vandals at Prolife Display

How many college guys do you know who would spend Holy Thursday night watching for vandals at a prolife display?
This isn't the first time that the NKU  prolife display has been vandalized. You can read a really cool article on it here

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

URGENT - 2nd Rally Location in CT!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Noon – 1 PM
      U.S. COURT HOUSE                     U.S. COURT HOUSE
      450 MAIN STREET                        141 CHURCH STREET
      HARTFORD                                 NEW HAVEN

Featured speaker in Hartford - Joe Scheidler - Pro-life Action League - Chicago
       (For more information, call Bob Muckle at 203-753-1312)
This coming Friday, March 23, 2012 there will be a nationwide rally for religious freedom at about 100 locations across the country, including federal buildings, district congressional offices, and historic sites.
The reason for these rallies is to counter the increasing and unprecedented unconstitutional attacks on our religious freedom at all levels of government.
Years ago prayer was banned in schools. Then there were efforts to ban Christmas displays on public greens. Those attempts to ban religion now seem tame compared to new efforts in just the last few months that are pushing religion further out of society and into the churches.
The First Amendment guarantees "freedom of religion," which allows believers to practice their religion not only in Church, but in society as well. However, the President and the Secretary of State have repeatedly used the phrase, "freedom to worship," which many would contend limits freedom of religion to only religious ceremonies in church.
Now, in the new national health care law, the government is mandating that church related institutions and religious individuals must buy or provide health insurance that covers abortifacients, sterilizations, contraceptives, and abortions in violation of their religious beliefs and rights of conscience.
In New York City, the Board of Education recently ruled that churches could no longer rent space for religious services in city schools. Over 150 churches will be forced out of the schools. The city’s Housing Authority also ruled that churches could no longer rent space in city owned community housing projects.
A recent U.S. Supreme Court case (Hosanna-Tabor Church v Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) concerned a teacher in a Lutheran school who taught several courses, including a religion class. The church considered the teacher a minister, and sought to fire her for violating religious doctrine. The government sought to define who is or is not a church employee. Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that there is a "ministerial exception" to employment discrimination laws and that churches must be free to choose and dismiss their leaders without government interference.
A final example concerns Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, the military's largest medical facility for military personnel and veterans. A memo was issued this past November by the hospital’s Chief of Staff stating, “No religious items (i.e. Bibles, reading material, and/or artifacts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.” That would mean family and friends could not bring in Bibles, rosaries, religious medals, scapulars, prayer cards, etc. Congressman Steve King of Iowa immediately denounced the policy on the House floor, stating, "That means you can't bring a Bible and read from it when you visit your son or daughter, perhaps - or your wife or husband. It means a priest that might be coming in to visit someone on their deathbed couldn't bring the Eucharist, couldn't offer last rites. This is the most outrageous affront." The ban was rescinded after the congressmen's comments and the Family Research Council collected 20,000 signatures within 24 hours on an on-line petition.
These attacks on religion and conscience have been repeated and in many areas. Though some of these attacks have been successfully rebuffed, others have not been, and the direction of the administration in Washington, in Hartford, in the military, and in local governments concerning religious liberty is clear.
We must stand up to defend our religious freedom!
In Connecticut, rallies will be held at two locations this Friday: in New Haven at the Richard C. Lee U.S. Courthouse, 141 Church Street, across from the New Haven Green, and in Hartford at the Abraham Ribicoff U.S. Court House, 450 Main Street, a few doors down from the Hartford Public Library. Both rallies will be held from noon to 1 PM on Friday.
This is part of a national rally, sponsored by  The Hartford rally is sponsored by the Connecticut Right to Life Corporation and Peter Wolfgang of the Family Institute of Connecticut will be master of ceremonies.
Call the Connecticut Right to Life Corporation at 203-753-1312 for more information.

Bishop Lori's Parable of the Kosher Deli

 This parable really helps clarify the HHS mandate. You should read it.

Morally Tainted: Products Made Possible by the Killing of Innocent Human Life

Oklahoma state Sen. Ralph Shortey has introduced a bill to the Oklahoma Legislature that has caused quite a stir. S.B. 1418 says it would ban any product for human “consumption” that contains aborted human fetal tissue or where the research or development of any of the ingredients required the use of aborted fetal tissue.

Now, currently, there are no aborted fetuses in any food products. But some pundits interpret “consumption” in this bill to mean not just food products, but any product humans “consume,” like drugs, vaccines, treatments or even beauty products.

In the national response to S.B. 1418, the jokes about Soylent Green abound, and those from all political persuasions mocked Shortey as an idiot with nothing better to do than invent problems and waste taxpayer money. 

When Shortey suggested that his bill was not simply about aborted fetuses in the food supply, but about companies using cells and tissues from aborted human beings to test or develop various chemicals, drugs or therapies, one angry commenter on the Huffington Post retorted, “What companies? Name them. If you can’t, then this is the rantings of a paranoid delusional.”

Well ...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Get Informed about the mandate

It’s About Religious Freedom - Not Contraceptives!
 Presentation by
Peter Wolfgang, Exec. Dir., Family Institute of Connecticut
Brian Hoeing, Esq.
Calum Anderson, Esq.
Monday, March 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
Saint Joseph Church-Poquonock, CT
Father Doherty Hall 
This presentation will clarify and explain why President Obama’s Healthcare Mandate is unconstitutional since is violates the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States .  
Please come and learn why there is such uproar over this issue and why it is NOT about contraception; it is about our precious RELIGIOUS LIBERTY which is not just a Catholic issue. It affects every person of faith.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

HHS Homily- Pastor of St. John, Indiana

This is awesome. It's only ten minutes long. Please take some take some time out of your busy day to listen.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Contraception Inception Deception

Radical feminism, not unlike the dream-thief character Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) in the movie “Inception,” has stolen into our subconscious and implanted an insidious idea that refuses to die. The idea: That birth control (fertility cessation) and its evil twin, abortion (child murder) are “health care”, that public funding of them are a necessity, and that they are a good. Like Cobb, the radical feminists have planted a whopper of a lie. The question is, how can we get out of it?

Read more at the National Catholic Register here.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

  Check these out. They've got some really great info.