Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pro-Life Campus Group of the Week .... and CONFERENCE 2010

Well, a bunch of our Y-Lifers have either gone back to school or headed off as freshmen and one of our supporters has entered religious life. In addition, Deacon John from Holy Apostles and a former member of the Holy Apostles Life League is now Father John Trambley of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and many other things have changed since our Conference last September.  It's kind of sad to say goodbye to so many of our stalwarts, but there are some younger kids getting active in the group, we have a couple college students in the area and hopefully, the Conference will bring some new faces to Y-Life.

So ... a little quiz.  Two of our members, Jeanne B. and Ella B. go to a university that has the graphic at left as part of their logo.  We can inform you with absolute certainty that this graphic will not help you by just looking at it.  But you can click here for the answer ... yet another active pro-life campus group at a state university ... young pro-lifers are EVERYWHERE.

Back to the Conference ... it's coming up fast - October 16th.  Fr. Tad Pacholczyk  is our speaker and he is really not to be missed.  If you or your friends have ever been frustrated by proponents of abortion waving the wet towel of science around, it's time to snap a towel back.  You will be fascinated by the truth, and taking truth away with you, you don't have to be frustrated anymore.  Every form you need can be found on the left sidebar of this blog at the very top, but to make things super easy, here are the details about the Conference.  Once you have read the preceding link, you will be so motivated to go that you'll need a registration form, which you will find here. And, seriously, if you are going to go, take friends from your parish, school or pro-life group with you.  Check with your pastor or DRE and see if this Conference can also serve as a fulfillment of a requirement for your Confirmation.  It is a retreat of sorts, but we covered that in the last post.

We are especially in need of ad sponsors, so if some of you out there would download the sponsor form and see if your parish or parish pro-life group would be interested in sponsoring an ad or sentiment, you can find all the detals here.  And if any of our fantastic Twitter followers would like to either attend the Conference in Cromwell, CT at Holy Apostles OR send in an ad or sentiment, that would be great!  Any any questions, concerns, comments ... whatever, do not hesitate to email us at:

And God keep all you guys out there ... we miss you and will see you at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Keep the Truth about the babies alive so they can stay alive and see the light of day and so their parents, especially their mothers, will not have to go through life damaged by abortion.

1 comment:

  1. I'm coming to see Fr Tad,and learn more about IVF, but also to see you, the authors of this blog. Nice work.
