Check out this article by Fr. Frank Pavone in regards to the National Day of Remembrance. For those in the CT area, the Tomb of Adam at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell (33 Prospect Hill Road) is the closest place. The ceremony starts at 1:30P.M and includes guest speakers such as Rev. Douglas Mosey, CSB, Rector, Holy Apostles; Nicole Peck, Silent No
More Awareness Campaign; Rev. Gabrielle Beam, GotLife Ministry; Peter
Wolfgang, Family Institute of Connecticut.
The website for the nationwide program can be found here
Hi there! I am the new Director of Education at Carolyn's Place Pregnancy Care Center in Waterbury, CT. I am so excited right now, because I had no idea you guys existed! I would love to speak with one of you about potentially working together at some point in the future. Is there someone I should email or call? Please feel free to email me at Thanks so much!