This blog was created for members of the Y-LIFE Youth Group to get the message out about events and projects the group is working on to further what Pope John Paul II called "The Culture of Life." We will also be using it to blog in our own words about what it's like to be young and pro-life in today's society.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Y-LIFE Meeting Sunday, August 30th ....
before 2:30 pm on Sunday. You can also email us at the above address to get the registration form and/or the sponsorship form. Get your registrations in soon ... space is limited!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Who said this?
You will be very, very surprised. Since this person died August 25, we need to pray for the repose of his immortal soul. The words you see above are not the principles he ended up living by, but their truth is as fresh today as when he wrote them in 1971.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Today's Featured Campus Pro-Life Group
This is the last paragraph of this campus pro-life group's mission statement: "We are here to help. Our mission is to serve. And we will, one day, bring every person to realization of the truth that every human life is precious, to be treasured and held dear from the moment of conception to natural death."
Click here for the answer.
The next posting to this blog will be a report on the Eduardo Verastegui visit by a Y-Lifer (whichever Y-LIFE member gets the posting done first!)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Scary Science
The fact that some researchers have an incessant urge to “play-around” with human embryos is frightening. Scientists, with the research on IPSs, have found a way that does no harm and is not an ethical problem and the Dr. Frankensteins among them managed to figure out a way to do harm and create an ethical problem. The genetic change-ups resulting from this kind of experimentation, could be devastating. It seems almost as if some scientists are trying to COMPLETELY “perfect” human beings. The whole scenario reminds me of the Superman Act where Adolf Hitler tried to develop a perfect, powerful human race. Today’s researchers with the same intention are a huge step ahead of where Hitler managed to get with his insanity. Like Hitler’s victims, the human beings they intend to use have NO voice or legal rights. But unlike Hitler’s victims, today’s human victims will have their very physiological substance changed if they survive.
Not only should we monitor and protest against scientists using this amazing new discovery for evil, but we should pray for their conversion with all of our hearts. We need to be looking out for our unborn brothers and sisters.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Today's Featured Campus Pro-Life Group
"Condiscipulorum Absentium Gratia"
which translated from the Latin means
"for the sake of our missing classmates"?
Their motto is a reminder of the many lives lost to abortion every day, some of whom would have been at this particular university had they been allowed to live.
The answer is here. Don't be surprised, pro-lifers really are everywhere.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Y-LIFE publishing program book for Youth Conference
Contact for more information.
Anything left over after Conference expenses will go to St. Gerard's Center for Life for their ultrasound machine fund.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Who’s going to see Eduardo Verástegui on TUESDAY, August 11th?
Well, we are, of course! The event is sponsored by The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church.
Friday, August 7, 2009
First Annual Y-LIFE Pro-Life Youth Conference
September 26, 2009
Conference Schedule:
10:15 a.m.— 10:45 a.m.
Registration Check-In
11:00 a.m.— Mass
Fr. Greg Galvin, celebrant
Noon — Pizza Lunch
1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.
Keynote Speaker— Sean Forrest
2:15 p.m.—3:00 p.m. - Break Out Session I
choice of:
• Sr. Nancy Marie Piecewicz— Euthanasia
• Mike Barnett of American Life League—How to Grow Your Campus Pro-Life Group
• Deacon John Trambley — Stem Cell Research & Bioethics
3:15 p.m.—4:00 p.m. - Break Out Session II
choice of:
• Fr. Reggie Norman — Black Genocide
• Brian Hoeing & Cal Anderson —
Two Lawyers Explain How Abortion is the Civil Rights Issue of Our Day
• Missionaries for Life— Abortion: The Personal and Medical Perspective
4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.
Holy Hour (including opportunity for Confession) & Closing
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What is Y-LIFE?
Y-LIFE (Youth for Life) is a recently organized student pro-life group in northwestern & north central Connecticut. As a group it seeks to foster respect for life from conception until natural death. The only way to accomplish this is to change hearts and minds with the best tool available — truth.
Many people today don’t seem to realize that, as a country, we have lost respect for human life in its most vulnerable stages. The elderly are being neglected in nursing homes and the unborn are being killed mostly because they represent an “inconvenience” to their mothers and fathers. Many young people are seeing the selfishness and chaos the current attitude is causing.
As teenagers and young adults, Y-LIFE wants to work toward restoring a culture of life where material things are NOT more important than people, and where the value of a person depends on his or her innate dignity, rather than on whether he or she is ”convenient.”
This year’s major project, in addition to the Conference, has been to raise $16,000 toward an ultrasound machine for St. Gerard’s Center for Life in Hartford, Connecticut. $12,000 has been raised as of June, 2009.