Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Y-Lifers with "Bella" Movie Star, Eduardo Verastegui

Well, we finally have pictures to post from the Eduardo Verastegui event some of us attended on August 11 at Eastern Connecticut State University, thanks to the wonderful Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church.  At right is Annie F. with Eduardo and below is Beth I. with Eduardo.  Mr. Verastegui is an amazingly good sport, sitting for well over an hour to sign autographs and pose for pictures.  His "keep-an-eye-on-the-movie-star" team were getting kind of antsy, but he stayed until the last person went through the room where he was.  Thank you, Eduardo!
The event itself was wonderful and so much fun.  Sean Forrest, who is the keynote speaker for our Conference on September 26, kicked off the evening, and we were really amazed at his talent and loved the message he had to give ... the thing that came through the most was joyfulness in serving others and that life is what it's all built on.

So, it was a pretty late evening, but so worth the trip to Willimantic and the late hour.  It's great to know that there are some really brave celebrities out there.  Being in Hollywood and being for abortion is not brave.  That is being conformed to a peer group.  Being in Hollywood and standing up for the unborn is brave.  Eduardo Verastegui is a brave and generous man, and we hope he comes back to Connecticut again!

P.S. --- Happy Birthday, Blessed Mother!

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